Sunday, January 28, 2007

What is the true reason why we get Email by the 100's daily?

Money of course! There are people out there that just send email to just earn your hard earned money! There know that they are just selling you either an outdated ebook, scam program, or once in a while you will come across "the most unbelievable opportunity" so they say! I hate these emails! After a while when you have gotten so many of them you begin to realize which ones are all but scams! Why do they even try to send them, because most of the time they just simply get deleted anyway. I guess they send them out hoping to get lucky and come across a newbie that doesn't know hardly anything about the net and boom they fall for it and purchase the worthless program or ebook. While the other person on the other end of the computer is laughing their tail off. Singing "I got your money" Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! By the time that you notice that it was a scam, it's too late! How angry do you get with these scam emails? How many do you receive in a day? Are they usually the same ones week after week? I know mine are and I receive approx about 400 to 600 a day! You can opt out but then you come across the ones that have the "You have agreed to a one time email but, won't receive anymore of the. If you choose to be opt out from these email simply reply back with a blank email to this email address" You and I know that they are going to send more of them, otherwise why in the world would they put an opt out option for you to choose if you were only going to just receive one? How sick are you of them? Give your real opinion on the subject and tell all!

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